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tv   Piers Morgan Tonight  CNN  July 8, 2012 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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>> after 9/11, millions volunteered. they said we want to serve our country. i don't view it as anything and the cause of securing our country and the cause of liberty. >> the interview with george w. bush coming later and first on this occasion, literally no introduction. he is the man who created cnn. the reason i and others are here. ted turner. welcome back. how does it feel? >> good. >> does it? >> yeah. >> are you proud of cnn? >> absolutely. >> do you watch it? >> you bet. >> do you like what you see? >> most of it. >> you always said about cnn, the news should be the start. >> that was the philosophy that we started with, but it really
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was the only place open for us. all the other networks emphasized their stars and we didn't have any stars. we were luck to have employees. >> if you had the competition and if there had been a fox news with right wing star anchors, msnbc had rachel maddow and the others, would you do anything differently? >> i would have to give it a lot of thought and study which i have not done. nobody asked me to do it. i value my time greatly. i'm working on nuclear weapons and trying to get it to change over to clean energy and stabilize the population before the world is so overcrowded. i am working on things where i
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can make a difference now. i don't have any input on a regular basis here. >> do you think cnn should become, you only started this whole business and there is an amazing innovation at the time. others are doing similar versions. do you think that cnn should remain the impartial observer of news? >> yes and cover the substantial news. that doesn't mean you don't cover hollywood and kidnappings and the sensational too, but the emphasis should be on hard news. i wanted cnn to be the "new york times" of the news business. not the daily news. i wanted it to be the "new york times." i thought for the long-term that would be the best position to be in even if the ratings weren't
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the greatest. if you had the most prestige and you would have networked that everybody turned to in times of crisis, that was the most important position to hold. >> that are is still true, no question. i have been here 16 or 17 months. when i first got here, there was an avalanche of huge stories. it's gratifying and the cnn ratings soared. the issues that everyone wrestles with is what happens as we had recently when there was a lengthy period. >> the world is a big place. i am out of the country a bit and traveling internationally and i watched cnn international all over the world and probably see it as much as or more than cnn domestic. i think they are doing an excellent job. they are programming for the world. i can understand the difficulty
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programming for the u.s. audience here. it's a real challenge to do. >> let's talk about some news. what do you make of america right now? today. what do you think of your country? >> i think it's terrible that politics have gotten so money-oriented with this supreme court ruling that corporations can give unlimited amounts of -- the money interests are taking over the country. there is too much disagreement and argument between the parties. i believe in pulling together to make the country a better place rather than tearing it apart. i think the country comes first. >> you are a guy who historically when you had a rise, you haven't hesitated to
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give them a verbal whack or two. >> only if it was deserved. >> what do you think of president obama? >> i like him. he had an extremely difficult job and i think he has done amazingly well and he's got his spirits up and he never gets discouraged which is really important in a leader, particularly leading us in time of great difficulty. >> if you were advising him and he could go do a lot worse, what would you tell him to be more forceful about? where is he not being strong enough? >> i would have liked to see him -- his positions are good on the environment, but he put health care ahead of the energy bill. if they put the energy bill first when he was first elected, it would have gone through without the kind of animosity
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that the health care bill had. that was the mistake. it was good to get the health care bill through. i supported that as well as the energy bill. a set time table is laid down. you are pleased with that? >> i was against the wars before they started. i studied history a lot. wars are not a good way to get things done. they have been a disaster for us and cost us a trillion dollars a year. not a trillion dollars over a year, but over the period. afghanistan a trillion and it's just crazy. >> many said it's a counter terrorist operation.
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is that really what america should have done rather than going in with millions on the ground. we are going to tackle the terrorists through special forces and so on? >> i think war should be avoid at all cost and we should do everything to get the united nations to the deal with conflicts before people start resorting to violence. violence begets violence. it's easy to star wars and difficult to stop them once they got started. i think we ought to renounce the war and have -- let the courts handle it and have arbitration that the united nations and let them handle it. just like what you do in the united states. if everybody started shooting
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everybody they had a disagreement with, there is enough of that anyway. that doesn't accomplish anything except get people shot and escalate into war. >> what would you do about iran if you were the american president. >> i believe in total nuclear disarmament. we all have to play by the same set of rules. we have several,000 nuclear efforts. it's okay for israel to have a hundred but not okay for iran to have two. they are not treating everybody equally. no strong position except force. only by force can it be done. we voted at the un and the skurs council to get rid of it. let's get rid of ours.
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iran will stop and everybody else will. if everybody doesn't have them. if we are safe from a nuclear attack. if we have full stale exchange, it will destroy life on earth. all life. maybe there will abe few cockroaches left. i find that crazy. this is such a nice world. most of the people are really nice here. if you treat people with dignity and respect and friendliness like i did with the russians and the soviets before them, the good will games and you try to make friends, you can make friends and do that with former enemies. look at japan at pearl harbor and now we are good friends with the japanese. we fought china in the cold war and we are good friends with the chinese. most of us are. >> i want to talk about your favorite cnn moments.
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stand by. >>ar cnn's first newscast. the man who created cnn, ted turner. what do you feel when you see that clip again? >> feels good. it was a great idea and well-executed. >> what was the great ambition for you. what did you want to achieve?
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>> i wanted to better inform the world. >> do you feel you succeeded? >> yes. do you know how many 24-hour news networks there in the world? >> how many? >> over 100. every country has got one. you are not a country if you don't have one. people nowadays want instant information and don't want to wait overnight. they are used to getting information right now that they need. >> three memorable moments that you highlighted. i want to remind you about it. one was in 1987, baby jessica being rescued from the world. tell me why you love that story so much. >> it was any one of 1,000 other story, but that resonated and captured the imagination of america. everybody was pulling for her. she was down there for over a
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day. >> one of the examples where good news can often be just as big of a story and rate just as well as bad news. there was always the perception and always about disaster or something. i was a young reporter in london and i remember watching 1991, those guys from cnn and literally on the frontline and these missiles firing over their heads. dramatic thing. >> the rocket's red glare. the bombs bursting in air. arrar amazing. >> it was. >> we are just in the process of getting tape fed to us from a location in jordan. this is the videotape shot by the cnn crew during the opening hours of the allied assault on the city of baghdad. air force general retired harry
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shith is with us in atlanta. please comment on what you can see. this is the first time we have seen this tape. this is our camera crew shooting out the window from the ninth floor of the hotel in baghdad. >> was that the story, the event that made you realize how big cnn could become? >> yes. that was the biggest story that in my opinion we ever had. >> you defied the president and kept your people there. >> we get freedom of the press. we had and they were volunteered for us to stay and didn't make anybody stay. we are going stay. >> you also said i don't care what it costs. >> i said spend whatever it takes. i didn't say i didn't care.
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i didn't want to be pinching pennies. >> what was the difference having cnn's cameras on the frontline of a warlike that. what is the difference that decision and that capability made to the way the war was covered. >> all we did was televise what we saw. >> did it bring a greater truth to the fact that you were there? >> i think so. >> your third story that you singled out, 9/11. what did that do to america? that moment. >> that are shook us up. unbelievable. i was in my office and i glanced up and just after the first plane had gone in. the building was on fire. i was sitting there stunned.
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while i was sitting there watching it, the second one came in. i saw it live. i ran down to the newsroom and walter isaacson was running cnn at the time, he came over from "time" magazine. a good man and a good friend of mine. "headline news" had stayed with its regular format that gave the ball scores and the stock market. the half hour rolling format. a couple of times we had preempted that when there was a big enough news story to warrant both cnn and "headline news" because the story was so compelling. i mentioned that. i said walter, have you thought about switching overhead line news? it's the last thing i did at cnn. he said that's a great idea. within seconds they switched
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over to the live coverage of the world trade center. and a few minutes later, the buildings collapsed. it was it was like pearl harbor only televised. >> we will talk about the great loves of your life. sill boats and women and sports teams. anything else you can think of. the great portions. this is the first car that i've been totally in love with in every way, shape, and form. it's my dream vehicle. on a day to day basis, i am not using gas. my round trip is approximately 40 miles to work. head on home, stop at the grocery store, whatever else that i need to do -- still don't have to use gas. i'm never at the gas station unless i want some coffee. it's the best thing ever.
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>> we had a great time. for ten years, i am so happy that i got to spend ten years with him. >> that was jane fonda speak being ted turner a few months ago. was she the great love of your life? >> probably. >> have you quite gotten over her? >> no. >> think you ever will? >> no. when you love somebody and really love them, you never stop loving them. no matter how hard you try. you can't stop. there is nothing wrong with that. that's good. that's why people love their country and love their planet.
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i basically am a happy person. you are a man used to winning and you lost jane. >> i lost jane and lost my job here and my fortune, most of it. i have a billion or two left. you can get by on that. you carry on. i found other things to do. i am working trying to help the united nations causes both with philanthropy and my personal efforts. >> which of the three -- >> i have a meeting to try to save the oceans. i'm on a committee to save the oceans and a polish poverty vea the un. >> which of the three things you lost, your fortune, jane fonda,
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or the job here? >> you want me to rank them? >> which caused you the most -- which upset you? >> they all broke my heart, but i just rally. winners never quit and quitters never win. i made the come back. you a better man for having experienced? >> i am a more experienced man. the aol merger and the subsequent destruction of wealth, they hurt at the time, but i just toughed it out. you can't give up in life. >> saw your fortune diminishing
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by $20 million a minute. >> counting holidays though. >> that's a fairly -- what does that feel like? >> it felt bad, but i stayed at the company and stayed on the board of directors to try to mi mitigate the losses and as a result i lost more because when this stockholder sued the company i wasn't part of that suit because i was on the board. that cost me several hundred million dollars. i had my honor at the end. effectively they fired you from the company you created. how does that feel? >> the management of the company that you read my book, i'm sure. i didn't do anything wrong.
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they didn't do that and many times i am man of the year. i was the only person that worked at time ever that got that as a big honor as you can get. i think i was doing a good job. we were making a fabulous amount of money. >> you relaced jane for all intents and purposes with a new system. you have four girlfriends at any one time. >> hopefully they won't all leave me at once. >> most men say how do you get away with that? >> worry great difficulty. >> you must have a complicated schedule. >> do i. >> the women must be very tolerant. >> they are first of all good
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friends. with me. most of the time. they good friends with each other? >> some of them are. some aren't. it's complicated. it's much easier to have one wife, but when you have one wife and she leaves you. i have been divorced three times. my life was so hectic, it was hard to keep up. i travel all the time. >> you said movingly that you cry for six months. >> i didn't cry, but i was brokenhearted for at least that long. >> did you try to win her back? >> a little bit. but it looked like we were so far apart philosophically that we couldn't do it.
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>> how many times have you been properly in love in your life? >> twice. >> jane and -- >> and another person. that's really in love. i loved a number of people. >> there is a difference between being in love and loving? >> sort of. it's hard to tell where one starts and the other stops. >> let's take a break. i want to come back and talk to you about keeping america great. what should america be doing to revive ourselves. >> we're need for humanity to be great. >> that are is another point, but specifically about america. down here, folks measure commitment by what's getting done. the twenty billion dollars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar
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since the united nations foundation created a nothing but nets campaign in 2006, more than 20 partners have join and literally millions of people to raise $20 billion. and distribute some 2 million bed nets to children and their families in africa. >> ted turner talking about the united nations campaign to fight
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malaria worldwide and he is back with me now. we will come to that in a moment. what do you think of america as a business model? there is a battle going on now i think for the way forward for capitalism in america. how they outline what he calls a moral sense of capitalism. it's incumbent on american companies who have global sales to bring jobs back to america and open factories here and not in china and so on. he was alluding to companies like apple. ten times as many employees in china than america. what do you think of moral capitalism? >> i'm working so hard on the environment and nuclear weapons and the survivor issues, that the financial issues and a lot of other areas, you can't be an
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expert on everything and i'm not an expert on finance. i believe we should be doing business with everybody. >> does it help america and national interests if successful american companies that create their ideas here then shift up much of the production jobs to other countries? >> that's unfortunate for us, but good for the people who there was a reason why the jobs were shifted. maybe less expensive or better workers. >> i don't know. >> you were the first billionaire to say right, i will give a billion dollars to the un. you gave a billion dollars of your own money. >> i gave away almost two billion. i wrote one check. one commitment. >> when you see bill gates and
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warren buffett planning to leave vast sums of their fortunes to charities, they have taken their lead from you. what would you think of that? >> i'm part of the pledge. i am going out to california to a meeting with warren and bill. they are good friends and i'm proud to be associated with them. >> is there too much greed in the world and in america? >> some places there is too much greed, but there is a lot of generosity too. i think there is more generosity than greed. >> has money made you happier than you would have been without money? >> you have to have enough to eat. you need enough to live at least minimally. you have to have that, but it's nice to live well.
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i don't think there is anything wrong with being rich. i have been poor and rich and i didn't give that away until i made it. they both work. >> i wanted to know what you were like when i had lunch with you at one of the bison restaurants. i was fascinated about the detailed way you must live your life. you ordered a specific number of fries. five fries. it wasn't six or four. >> i'm fighting like so many of us older men in particularly, but older women also, and younger ones have trouble with their weight. i am trying to keep the weight off. i do want to taste the french fries because we make them fresh at ted's and i want to make sure that the quality is good. >> 5 is the opt mump number?
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>> i could have had three. now i'm not eating any. >> you have given up? >> my doctors said i was allergic to potatoes? >> really? that's terrible. >> yeah. they are testing me for allergies at the current time. i am not eating potatoes and no dairy products and no cheese or milk? >> alcohol? >> no alcohol. >> tobacco? >> no. >> hard drugs? >> no. >> sounds draconian. what are you allowed to do? >> i can't even drink a coca-cola. no soft drinks. >> really? >> no caffeine. no coffee. >> what are you existing on? >> water. water and -- i'm not supposed to eat any bread either. >> this sounds -- >> i can have bacon and sauces. >> i want to talk to you about
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that works. a deadly disease outbreak with no name and only children as victims. doctors have never seen it and can't treat it or stop it. at least 61 children are dead and all of them in cambodia. officials are worried about it spreading to other countries. months before his retirement, barney frank is a newly married man. he married his long time partner jim brady officiated by the state's governor. massachusetts is of six states that allows same-sex marriage. yes, it is that time of year again. pam ploena, spain's tradition of running bulls through the
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it's the song cable when cable wasn't cool. here is ted turner. let's talk politics. the election is coming up in november. who will win, do you think? >> i don't know. when i started cnn, i made the decision to stay out of endorsing candidates and let viewers make up their own minds about politics. it wasn't going to come from me. the other networks were telling others what to do. i wanted to be different and let me make up their own minds. i would talk about candidates and say about mitt romney, i think he is a real gentlemen and i think he has been successful and he is really smart and i don't agree with everything that he believes, but i agree with a lot of it.
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i think he would probably make a good president, but i am not endorsing him. you more republican or democrat these days? >> right now in the last few years, the democrats have been closer and more pro environment. the coal industry is pretty well entrenched in the republican party. that's one of the things we need to face up. . >> specifically about military veterans. he was president for years, but what was your overview of his tenure? >> a lot of things i didn't agree with the war for instance. i didn't agree. he wasn't strong enough on the
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environment to make me happy. very little happened during his term. i think we would have been better served if al gore had won. it was so close. anyway, i think if al had been president, we would have stayed out of the wars and certainly would have gone a lot further towards switching over to clean renewable energy. we really need to do. >> of all the things you experienced in your life, you won the americas cup. you bought a baseball team and dated some of the most beautiful women in the world. you made billions of dollars. all the things that you experienced. what's been the greatest moment of your life? >> the greatest single thing is to see my children all turn out well. all five of them.
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>> and have they? >> they have. >> is that your proudest achievement? >> my proudest personal achievement, business achievement would be cnn. >> how am i doing, by the way? >> how are you doing? i think you are doing great. i like watching you and i think you do a really good job. >> it's almost lika i'm a catholic and getting blessed by the pope. you realize that? it's been fascinating for me. you said once that at your funeral you said you would like willie nelson to sing to all the girls i loved before. >> i said a lot of things. i would like on my tombstone is i have nothing more to say. >> it has been a pleasure. please come back again. >> i would be happy to. >> that would be great. ted turner. former president bush in retirement and a rare interview speaks out about america's veterans and a classic example
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of keeping america great. [ male announcer ] citi turns 200 this year. in that time there've been some good days. and some difficult ones. but, through it all, we've persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours. ♪ and the next great idea could be yours. focus lolo, focust sanya let's do this i am from baltimore south carolina... bloomington, california... austin, texas... we are all here to represent the country we love this is for everyone back home
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with 23,000 american troops, one president is quietly paying tribute to america's wounded warriors, the classic story of keeping america great and an
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interview of the man who stayed out of the lime light. former president george w. bush. >> i held our military in awe when i was president. the stories they tell just increase the awe. >> at first glance, sergeant major chris was exactly who you expect on the race of the warrior 100. 60 miles ever mountain biking under the blazing texas sun. marathon runner and triathlete, he served the majority of the military career in the army special forces, including remarkably seven tours in iraq. >> joined the army straight out of high school. what i wanted to do since i was 5 years old, give or take. as kids we play soldier and i never grew out of it. i started high school and said we have to get good grades. >> his battle at home is notice his greatest.
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he is one of the 20 personnel with the ride organized by the george w. bush presidential center led by president bush himself. >> it's a 100 kilometer mountain bike ride to thank their families and the groups that helped them recovery from serious injury. >> each of the warriors suffered the most consequence of war. it's a chance to prove to their former commander in chief and themselves what they can do. >> stories of courage, sacrifice and commitment. these are volunteers who wanted to serve the country and suffered serious injury. >> while serving in iraq, chris was caught in a crossfire. >> i walked into a prison break that apparently had killed their guards. their iraqi guards and taken their ak-47s and apparently grabbed a few other ak-47s and
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trying to escape. they were coming right around the corner. about 16 of them turned the corner and i shot and they shot. the process. >> one bullet in his right leg, leaving him paralyzed. his wife will never forget his phone call home. >> he was very, very scared. he was starting to get a little bit -- he was having a hard time catching his breath. the pain was kicking in. it was hard. >> back in the u.s., the walter reed army medical center was not good. >> the leg would not work. from the knee down, hardly any sensation. i had no sensation and no movement and no use. when i would walk, the foot would flop there. >> seven months later, chris and
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dana med the devastating decision to have his leg amputated. >> i was determined to get back and do everything i did before i lost my leg. >> chris would have to relearn how to walk. >> two days before i got shot, i was training for a triathlon for when we got back from iraq and two days later, i'm laying in a hospital where i can't move for two months. >> undeterred, chris returns to iraq and not one, but two more tours. >> when i found out that he was being returned with a prosthetic after he was injured, it was very, very scary, but we had a very -- our whole family is military. we had a very, very overwhelming sense of pride that he was going to step up and do this. >> the rehab and return to combat, but a chance meeting with the former commander in chief. >> i met chris at the brook army hospital. i finished my presidency and i was down there in san antonio
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for a different reason and decided to go by the facility there and there was chris getting a prosthesis fixed for his leg. he said i understand you mountain bike. >> we're chit-chatted about bikes and he said he was a mountain biker. as the conversation ended, he started to walk off and said you should join me in a bike ride. i said you are the boss. you say when and where. he said okay, friday, 9:00 a.m. at my ranch. >> sure enough, he did. our friendship started right there. >> since leaving office, president bush stayed out of the public eye, chudsi ichoosing to his time to veterans. >> seeing chris around president bush never gets old. he loves him. he loves what he has done for the troops and the wounded. he's a wonderful, wonderful genuine man. it's meant the world to chris to be able to be invited to these
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thing business and a big part of the w 100. >> it means the world to the president as well. >> it's important to me because i want to stay connected to the veteran community. i am not going to be a public person. this is a rare interview for me. therefore i am worried the vets will think i don't care. this is a way to say not only do i respect them, but i love them and will continue for the rest of my life. >> president bush the warrior 100 signifies the commitment to the veterans. the others and the rides about what they can still achieve. >> it's inspiring because some of these guys have injuries that make me look like i stubbed my toe. you see a guy riding the bicycle with one leg on the same trail that is the rest of us are riding up. you can't help but be inspired. >> an inspiration of 20 wounded warriors and the former commander in chief and a nation
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grateful for their service. >> the interesting thing you learn from a guy like chris is when dealt a tough hand, he didn't fold. he didn't use his injury as an excuse, but an opportunity to excel. he has been in combat seven times, twice on one leg. to ride across the canyon with chris is awe-inspiring. he is a great example of the best of america. it's an honor to call him friend. >> a moving and inspiring keepikee keeping america great. good night. >> the stories you are talking about in a moment. let's get you up to speed on the day's headlines. we are following news about a deadly disease outbreak with no name and only children as victims. it's some kind of illness that doctors have never seen and can't treat it or stop it.
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at least 61 children are dead, all of them and they are trying to figure out what it is and somehow keep it from spreading to other countries. months before his retirement, barney frank is a newly married man. he married his long time partner in a ceremony officiated by the state's governor. massachusetts is one of six states that allow smairnlg. the 400-year-old tradition of running bulls through the streets. the first-day of the eight-day festival highlighted by massive bulls along people of questionable sanity. a few people needed medical treatment and the animals wind up in the bullfighting ring. here's what else we have for you on cnn saturday nightful